Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What's Been Going On...

This blog is now becoming my personal blog and have actually started another website called eco-nista; which is a lifestyle website.  It is all about giving others the tools they need to live a more environmentally conscious lifestyle but still staying eco-chic.  This is taking a long time to build because as usual I am doing it solo...because I have no moola...and it is a whole lotta work.

I get so into it needing to be "done" before I let people know about it but I just realized something, it's never going to be "done".  I am always going to be adding new content, changing up the photos, updating the homepage with fabulous finds that I just have to share, so I am going to go ahead and just release it to the world on the first.  That is in 13 days...whoa...I have got a lot of work to do!

It's going to be great though.  I plan to have at least two or three articles in each subject area, which are all pretty much empty right now.  If you have any ideas or questions you'd like answered you can stop by the website and on the first page there is a quick form to submit a question or comment.  You could also just email me directly:  Plus, I want to do a couple of Youtube videos to promote the site as well as a couple of videos o the site so everyone can get to know me a bit.
I am super excited!  I love my life and that is such an awesome gift.

So here's to loving life everyone...
                                           I hope your loving life as well!

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